What you should do after your Chiro appointment


Have you been attending your chiropractic appointments regularly? Firstly – well done! You’ve taken the first step to looking after your body and doing wonders for your short-term and long-term health.

Making sure you visit your chiro is important – but what you do after each appointment is also vital in order to prevent injury.  


1.     GO FOR A WALK

First and foremost, go for a light, gentle walk around the block.

After a chiropractic appointment, your muscles have been adjusted into new positions. A short walk (roughly 400m or so) will help your mind and body to settle into these new adjustments.

Ensure you don’t do any strenuous exercise though, as this could do more harm than good. This means no heavy housework chores or heavy lifting (even if your job requires it) for at least for 4-6 hours.


Adjustments to your neck and spine are not something to be taken lightly. Seeing as we sleep for 1/3 of our lives, make sure you have a decent mattress and pillow to support your back.

It is also recommended to sleep on your back or your side – not your front. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleeping on your stomach places a strain on your back and spine. This is because most of your weight is in the middle of your body. This makes it difficult to maintain a neutral spine position when you're sleeping.


We suggest stretching every 30 minutes, for at least 2 minutes. However, this may differ from person to person.

This is especially important if you work in an office. Stress on your neck and back can be common if you don’t have the right desk set up. Make sure you have an ergonomic design including a supportive chair that you are comfortable in.

Saying that, it’s a good idea for ALL of us to maintain a stretching regime – not just after your appointment but at all times.


No one knows your own body better than you do. After your chiropractic care, it’s crucial that you take note of how your body is feeling. Do you feel different? Are you experiencing any pain?

Think about how your body feels when both standing, sitting, moving and staying still. Your nervous system has been reorganised and this no doubt will have you feeling different to the norm. Whatever you are feeling – that’s okay. Take a mental note and keep track and let us know at your next session so we can ensure we are on the right track and working towards a better and healthier you.


The thing about chiropractic care is that regular and ongoing appointments are necessary to ensure you stay in tip-top shape. When you leave Vitality, don’t forget to book in for your next session. 😊

Last but not least… listen to your chiro! Please ensure you follow any specific advice or instructions that may have been given to you as these will alter the outcome of your sessions with us. We are here to work with you and we need your cooperation to make you feel your very best!

See you soon at VFC! 


Chiropractor in Applecross at Vitality Family Chiropractic